Drama Stage Blocks

Stage productions and theatre groups have relied upon using Drama Stage Blocks and Wooden Stage Blocks for many years as a cheap and convenient way to create a three dimensional landscape on stage. Stage Blocks are still the preferred stage deck for many theatres and drama schools as their versatile nature allows a multitude of uses from one product.



Stage Blocks for Rehearsal Rooms

Perfect for the theatre rehearsal room or for the drama classes of schools and colleges, the use of stage blocks greatly enhances the creative experience and allows a more accurate performance as they give a much needed physicality to an otherwise empty space. They can be used as single blocks, pushed together to make a larger block or stage and they can be either stacked for varied height or can be purchased in different heights for set building and for more permanent installation.


Versatile Stage Blocks

Drama Stage Blocks are also favoured by stage productions as their all wood construction makes them perfect for being repeatedly painted, having fabrics and carpets attached and the ease in which they can be modified with additional props. From a bedroom scene to a car or horse drawn wagon, all you need is a couple of stage blocks and some creativity.


Stage Blocks Construction

Drama Stage Blocks and Stage Boxes come in several shapes and sizes and are available in either raw wood finish, painted or carpet covered to suit your requirements and are sourced from several UK and European manufacturers depending on the specification or particular design needed.

They are available in open and closed bottom designs, feature simple slotted carry handles and are made from either MDF, Plywood or Particle Board. Drama Blocks can be stacked both for storage and when in use.



Stage Concepts and SC Projects work closely with our customers and project clients to provide the best quality and most suitable products for your particular requirements. All of our staging, stage decks, wooden stage blocks and drama stage blocks are sourced from the best manufacturers within the UK and EU with all featuring the latest safety and quality certifications. Contact us for more information on any of our available stage systems.



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